UK artist Kerwin Blackburn exhibits his Jackson Pollock-inspired pop art music paintings and prints at the Oxo Tower, London, November 2021

By Kerwin at London’s Oxo Tower, Roy’s Art Fair Nov 2021

Roy’s Art Fair, Oxo Tower Wharf Bargehouse, London, 25-28 November 2021

I exhibited at another iconic London location – the Oxo Tower Wharf Bargehouse in November 2021, taking part in Roy’s Art Fair.  I was one of a total of 80 artists for this four-day art event – modelled in a similar style to The Other Art Fair.

It was great to exhibit in a new, historic London venue and meet hundreds of new visitors in the lead up to Christmas. This show was the third in my series of London art shows that I exhibited at in just five weeks, over October and November 2021. (The other two were The Other Art Fair and my BOXPARK Shoreditch solo pop-up exhibition and shop.)

Thanks to those who supported and bought artwork!

What is Roy’s Art Fair?

Operating since 2017, Roy’s Art Fair is a London-based, four day art fair that allows emerging artists to present their work to the public and interact directly with buyers. Roy’s Art Fair showcases original, affordable artwork from a variety of artists, selected based on quality and talent.

Exhibiting my By Kerwin pop art paintings at London’s Oxo Tower Wharf

Having spent 2021 researching many different types of venues and events at which to display my Jackson Pollock-inspired, pop art acrylic paintings, I identified Roy’s Art Fair as another exciting exhibition opportunity.

Based on the same four day, Thursday-Sunday model as The Other Art Fair, I applied to their November 2021 Oxo Tower show and was accepted to be one of 80 artists on display. I filled my stand with my signature music-icon portrait paintings, neon sign and TV playing my painting videos. I also had my By Kerwin Christmas tree on display again, having used this for the first time the week before at my BOXPARK pop-up shop!

Getting in the festive spirit by the River Thames

It was very cool to be on display in such an iconic venue and location – with the Oxo Tower Wharf situated right on the Southbank of the River Thames. It felt like a real pinch myself moment as I could see the river from the window of the room my exhibition stand was in.

I also spent many walks along the Thames to and from lectures whilst I was a student at King’s College London between 2017 and 2018, so it felt very fitting to exhibit my artwork again in the city that had allowed me to develop my professional and commercial confidence a few years before.

Exhibiting in late November also meant this was a perfect time to capture the Christmas shopping market and be part of the festive spirit. Many visitors were coming along in search of Christmas art gift ideas – and I was very happy to help them out!

Why is it called the Oxo Tower? Oxo Tower facts

When the Oxo cube manufacturers (Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company) moved in and converted the building in the 1920s, they were banned from advertising their flagship product on the side. They got around London’s strict advertising rules by designing the new tower’s windows in the iconic O – X – O shape, which has now become a cultural London landmark.

The building was initially built around the end of the 19th century to be a power station to supply a nearby Royal Mail post office.

Thanks to everyone who supported my Oxo Tower appearance, or any of my series of 2021 London art shows!

You can continue to follow my art progress on Instagram and Facebook.

View and shop my full range Jackson Pollock-inspired music paintings, prints and merchandise at – perfect for gift ideas or to treat yourself. High definition printing and fast delivery – for an instant injection energy for your walls.

UK artist Kerwin Blackburn exhibits his Jackson Pollock-inspired pop art music paintings and prints at the Oxo Tower, London, November 2021 | Roy's Art Fair
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